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Healing Services & Classes

The best thing in the world is getting to watch people emerge into the best version of themselves – healing is not easy, but it is worth it – expanding our self-awareness gently with a guide helps us come to terms with the past, embrace the present and build a solid future. We provide a variety of services & classes to help you further your emotional, physical, mental and spiritual growth.

What Our Clients Say

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Rich Sixel  |  Eugene, OR

"I was introduced to Jeanne over 12 years ago.  I was told that she is a medium and people have excellent results from sessions with her.  I guess my motivation to have a session with Jeanne stemmed from curiosity. I wasn’t a skeptic…just curious. My first session with Jeanne had opened a door for me and my life changed.  In that session, she spoke with me about Chakras and helped me clear them. She suggested that  I develop a routine with meditation. She even sent me a guided meditation CD which she made herself to help with meditation.  The session was an hour but it felt much longer.
I have stayed connected with Jeanne since then. In the beginning my appointments were sparse. Whenever I experienced some significant life challenges, I would connect with Jeanne for guidance and healing. The results were always positive , comforting and grounding for me.
Since 2012, I independently studied and developed various healing modalities. I did not have a conscious direction to go with these modalities.  As, I continued with my personal development and education with the healing arts; my sessions with Jeanne evolved into a mentorship.  Jeanne is always supportive and extremely helpful in sharing her wisdom.
Jeanne is an amazing person. She is kind, compassionate and has a great sense of humor, and she doesn’t put on an act. I would describe her vibe as s soccer mom with superpowers. My sessions with Jeanne is always different; she has so many tools in her practice. I have discovered that Jeanne’s approach in sessions varies depending on whatever the needs are.  Jeanne is one of the few people that has made a huge impact in my life. I have so much respect for her and I am so grateful to know her.  Thank you Jeanne for your bravery and perseverance in sharing your gifts. I am pretty sure you have helped a lot of people and many more."
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